Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I had divided the original Vitra design into three with 2 planes intersecting to become 3 parts.

Using the Scale tool to distort the model making it shrink as soon as u reach ground level and extend out on the top.

Draft material test, Sandwich effect with glass middle


With this poster I have collaborated the main elements and the type of structure I am looking at to transform the Vitra into a gym. My idea has all been developed from the Fitness Centre "Wellness Sky," which makes the illusion of being high into the sky. whilst inside the building.
This poster also shows materials which will be used to make this design complete. I have chosen more of the natural materials to blend in with the beauty of nature.


WEEK 10 studio


After observing the design of the Vitra Design Museum, it has a shape and scale which has given me many ideas in how I would be able to make it my own:

From the way the roofs angle, pitch and curve, the design can maybe be turned into an Opera house, or Theatrical space, in which sound can travel and bounce back at certain angles.
Another Idea was turning it into a Casino. The design is already interesting enough, and eye catching, and there will be enough room for gambling, drinks, or disco.

The Vitra Design Studio also looks quite private, not as much windows, and openings to be seen on the facade, which then gave me an idea of transforming it into a Day spa!
Day spas are usually in a private surrounding, peaceful, and relaxing, in which this building looks great for. Nice ceiling heights, and spacious enough for alone, and individual time.

This then lead me into the idea of transforming it into a Gym.
Two floors would be enough for cardio, and weights, also covering rooms for classes, and showers. The design of it looks well suited, spacious, and unique.

After finding a few inspirational architectural works, and buildings, I have decided to turn the Vitra Design Museum into a FITNESS CENTRE!!!
I have decided to heighten the design, extend it a little bit as well, and also keep it modern too.

The main influences I got for this design was from the fitness centre "WELLNESS SKY" situated in Belgrade, Serbia, and designed by "4of7".
The original design of the Vitra Museum, is quite closed and blocked off. I want to add more windows, and open areas for a nice natural lighting system.