Wednesday, August 18, 2010




Barton Bradford Prince was born on June 24th 1947 in Albuquerque and spent bits of his childhood in Santa Fe and Española, where his father owned a newspaper, the Valley News. He graduated from Highland High in 1965, attended architecture school at Arizona State, and was back in the 505 area code by 1972. His great-grandfather, LeBaron Bradford Prince, was territorial governor of New Mexico in the late 19th century.

Prince designed his first house while still in high school. A building was going up in his neighborhood, and when he wasn’t in his garage making house models that looked to unknowing eyes like science fiction, he would watch construction.


Bart believes that being an Architect, you have to make the whole thing live.
For him architecture is about coherence, expressiveness, and the feelings that everything about
it was intended, and there’s a mind behind all of it. There’s a tremendous amount of restraint and concern and care for how each aspect of this is done.
He explains “When you get into the more than just the shelter, more than just the building, where u start to consider the light, climate, material, structure, shape of space and all aspects, it begins to turn into architecture and has the potential. The Aspects of solving the problem and bringing life into it in terms of design, that’s when you start to get architecture”


During Bart’s early ages, he felt buildings were very boring and confining.
He would always think about buildings, and redid whatever environment he was in, where he
thought he could improve and call his own.
He began to make designs and built models, as if it was natural for him to do that.
It wasn’t until he pulled out the name of Frank Lloyd Wright in junior high, and prepared a report about him, when then and there, Frank Lloyd Wright’s work woke him up and changed his direction. He was not even familiar with him, and researched in an encyclopedia and found out he was an architect.
What fascinated him about Frank Lloyd Wright’s work was that he was being really creative.
seemed his buildings were being created, as opposed to being built.
Growing up he didn’t know any architects, and there were none in his family, but he never had to think about what he wanted to do, or what he was interested in studying. For him, there just wasn’t any question about it. He also counts Gaudà as inspirations but notes that Bruce Goff, Einstein, Picasso and Debussy also exemplify “what it means to be a creative individual in any age.” He believes that the essence of architecture is not ‘style’ or ‘fashion’ or ‘fad,’ but rather that creative spirit that exists within us and that ensures a future of exciting ideas and work.


For Bart, Organic Architecture as a term as an idea, is an effective way to think of
things, but people don’t understand how the architect defines it. Some people understand
like its nature or it looks like a rock, it looks like a tree or you can’t see it.
Or for others, it means something different than that. For him, it’s a process in the
way of thinking. The idea that the whole design develops almost like an organism


The scheme grew for the "Price Residence" from the
inside-out beginning with the desires of the client for privacy as well as an integration
with the site and close association with the sea.

The Price Residence is a great example of organic architecture (organicism)
- free-flowing interior spaces
- interlocking geometries
- unique use of materials
- very few orthogonal features
- the Price’s wanted a feel of privacy as well as
a connection with the ocean
- windowless zones of rooms against adjoining


The floor plan of elliptical shapes connected by a curving enclosed ramp is another example of Bart's originality with forms.

I love the way Bart Prince designs his buildings, its like he builds a relationship with the environment.

The Henry Whiting house is another memorable work with a series of shingled roof forms sculpted to relate to nearby rolling hills.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010



For my creature "TWERP", I wanted it to live in a forest/jungle, and I came across this picture from the Yakushima forest.
This is the twerps perfect environment for it.
It is surrounded by tall trees, which branch out in so many angles, just right for the twerp to perch and climb on.

This my sketch of the forest.

This was a picture I had found on the internet, which looked perfect for my creature "mermaprawn." The colours of the coral is great for mermaprawn to camouflage in and hide from enemies.

This is my sketch for mermaprawns environment.
It is much more deserted, and have coral scattered around the seabed. Because it is deep on the seabed, I wanted it to be quiet but gloomy at the same time.
This gives mermaprawns the time to relax and swim around, but mermaprawns have to be very carefull and aware of lurking creatures.



The Mermaprawn is an underwater living creature.
It lives in the deepest parts of the ocean, scavenging on the sea bed floor.
These little creatures size from 10cm to 15cm, and are also a main food source for larger fish and sea creatures. But don't be fooled because this little sea creature has strength.
At the tip of its tail, it has a sharp and deadly stinger. This is used for hunting their prey, stabbing them to death. The tail also helps dig for food under the sand.
The mermaprawns mouth also opens up so wide, and can suck in tiny food, lurking in places that are un-reachable, and anything that came in their way (obviously smaller creatures). They have leaf like parts on their back, blending in with coral and plants, protecting them from their enemies.
The bad thing is, is that they aren't very good at being quick or fast, because they are only able to slither around.


This creature is called a "TWERP".
It has wings, and feet like a bird, and legs that act like spiders.
Twerps can be found in forests, and jungles, and usually high up in the trees.
Their size range from around 20cm to 30cm.
These creatures are absolutely fast, and also very ALERT. They act like having two bodies in one, with 2 sets of eyes, and 2 sets of mouths which help them see infront and behind at the same time.
Their large eyes help spot their prey, and claws to quickly grab them.
Twerps have a major problem with attitude, so never ever try to be on their bad side.
But when they are happy, they are extremely happy :D